Beauty tips for skin and hair

People & Style

Mustard is a beauty all-rounder. Did not you know? STYLEBOOK reveals five yellow food hacks that help your skin, hair and health.

Long before people knew about pepper, they used mustard to flavor food. It is assumed that the small spicy granules originally came from India and China, from where they found their way about 2100 years ago through ancient Egypt to Rome. It was quickly discovered that mustard not only tastes delicious but is also beneficial to health. So it’s high time we incorporated mustard into our beauty routine!

With our myHOMEBOOK colleagues: Grow your own mustard in the garden

Health effects of mustard

What was only suspected in ancient times is now scientifically proven: mustard is rich in B vitamins, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, selenium and iron. In addition, its pungent essential oils – so-called mustard oil glycosides – have been shown to have an effect against fungi, viruses and bacteria, stimulate blood circulation and ensure that wounds heal faster. There’s even evidence that consuming mustard can minimize your risk of cancer, like one Studied at the University of Freiburg suggest. So we show you 5 tips with mustard that are good for the body.

5 beauty tricks with mustard

Mustard face mask for maximum radiance

Dark circles under the eyes and pale around the nose? A do-it-yourself mustard mask conjures up a healthy freshness on the face again. Simply apply the mustard – we recommend organic quality – directly from the jar to the skin and distribute it all over the face. Leave on for five minutes and then rinse. The result: a healthy, rosy complexion and finer, cleaner pores without parabens or mineral oils. Another side effect: The contained vitamin A, also called retinol, is currently considered one of the most effective anti-wrinkles! To rule out the skin showing an overreaction to the glycosides of mustard oil, a small amount should be applied to the crook of the arm before treatment. If there is no irritation, nothing stands in the way of the mustard beauty mask.

As an overnight hair treatment

Mustard promotes blood circulation and is therefore ideal for stimulating hair growth. Even the modern cosmetic industry has recognized this and loves to add mustard oil to products. But why make it complicated when it works better on its own? To really get everything out of the oil, the essence should be generously distributed in the evening on the hair, which is still damp after washing. Then wrap the mane in a towel and leave the mustard oil on overnight. Rinse everything well in the morning and enjoy the result: The zinc contained in mustard oil not only prevents hair loss, but also promotes blood circulation and is said to help against premature graying.

Like an old home remedy for a sore throat

To prepare your medicine, simply pour 150 milliliters of hot water over the juice of half a lemon with a little salt and a teaspoon of mustard and honey. Allow the admittedly unpleasant mixture to cool and gargle little by little. The effect: Pathogens are killed and the painful inflammation subsides more easily.

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Eliminate stuffy nose

Mustard also helps with stubborn colds or stuffy nose with unpleasantly swollen mucous membranes. Just rub a little mustard on your chest, place a cloth moistened with warm water on it and breathe in the vapors that rise in a relaxed way.

As an immediate aid for tense muscles

The spiciness of the mustard ensures better blood circulation and stimulates the metabolism – this can relieve hardening or muscle tension. A hot bath with two tablespoons of mustard combined with one tablespoon of Epsom salt provides relaxation, as the mustard further enhances the therapeutic effects of the salts. Works perfectly as a footbath too!

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