Getting married without children? What are the pros and cons?


Getting married without children? More and more newlyweds decide to do it. Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages for you.

“Adults only” is increasingly written on wedding invitations. Then he says: “We would like to get married without children and ask for your understanding. Only adults are invited.” THE Young people are increasingly excluded from wedding celebrations. What are the reasons why even couples with children want to spend the best day of their life without children?

Wedding celebrations are without children a hotly debated and controversial topic. Behind this is the desire of the spouses, organize the festival according to your ideas and free oneself from the expectations and desires of others. Perhaps you too would like to get married soon and are not sure if you want to have children at your wedding? No problem, we have gathered arguments for and against.

Getting married without children? The following arguments support it:

1. Guests are not limited in time. At 21 is not “We must go home, the: the little one must go to bed!”

2. The sooner people leave the wedding venue, the more likely the mood will plummet.

3. You can party and drink uninhibited when children are not present.

4. Neither the menu nor the buffet should offer child-friendly alternatives.

5. The celebration will be cheaper if the children are not there.

6. Without children, there is no need to arrange childcare or find work for the little ones.

7. Whether it’s a lake, a swimming pool or a wall, if you celebrate without children, you don’t have to worry about their safety.

8. Don’t want to mediate your own wedding? Without children there are fewer fights. This means less stress for the parents so they can be more involved in the celebration.

9. The bride and groom need not worry about the commotion or shouting during the wedding ceremony if they decide to have a childless wedding. And all parents can enjoy the ceremony in a relaxed way.

10. Many parents find it easier to get involved in cheerfulness once they have relinquished responsibility for their children.

Getting married without children? Here’s why children shouldn’t be missing from any wedding:

1. A wedding is a family celebration. If children are dumped, this may be met with a lack of understanding from friends or relatives. Even if the needs and wishes of the spouses come first, family peace should be considered when making the decision.

2. Do you really want a wedding without flower children? It is no coincidence that flower children are an ancient custom that should give the bride and groom a rich blessing of children.

3. Children often give pleasant moments of surprise, which everyone will remember. “Remember when your nephew wanted to give us the rings, he tripped, cried briefly, got up and suddenly burst out laughing?” Those who don’t give a damn about perfectionism will like the kids.

4. Some parents find it stressful having to deliver their children or arrange for a babysitter. This can also lead to tensions.

5. Children are (mostly) cheerful and create an exuberant and fun atmosphere.

6. With kids on the dance floor, many guests immediately feel more relaxed when she says, “Now let’s dance!” Little anarchists often exude lightness and cheerfulness. And what more could the newlyweds want on this day?

7. Honest words and heartbreaking sayings from children can create emotional moments.

8. Children can create special memories for the bride and groom. For example, a great activity idea is to ask the children to draw the bride and groom.

9. If a married couple celebrates without their children, it can damage the bond because the little ones feel left out of an important day with their parents.

10. If children are invited, there will likely be more acceptances. Anyone who invites children should expect friends or relatives to cancel because they can’t find treatment.

11. Kids love family reunions, and at least slightly older kids will always have fond memories of your wedding.

Conclusion: Whether you enter into marriage with or without children, it is ultimately important that the bride and groom are confident in their decision. The best thing to do is calmly weigh what speaks for and against. It is only important that the decision is well communicated and that there are no misunderstandings between the wedding guests.


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