Bad surprise: 5 names that have a negative meaning


Nasty surprise!
5 names that have a negative meaning in other languages

Bad surprise: some names have a completely different meaning elsewhere.

They sound cool, but unfortunately these five names represent things in other languages ​​that aren’t necessarily flattering.

A tough decision for life: Most parents spend forever looking for the name that fits their child perfectly. It is obvious that the choice is often difficult: after all, this name will shape an entire future life, both positively and negatively

Baby name warning: These names don’t just have positive associations

Of course, the meaning of the name is also important. But many of us don’t realize that the same name can mean something completely different in other languages ​​and, in the worst case, cast a bad light on the child. Here are five examples at a glance!

This video originally appeared on BRIGITTE


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