How to recognize a good tattoo studio

People & Style

If you want to get a tattoo, you don’t just have to choose the motif carefully. You should also be careful when looking for tattoo artists. STYLEBOOK tells you how to recognize good studies.

When deciding on a specific tattoo studio, not only the style of a tattoo artist should be decisive. Conversely, on-site hygiene is very important when tattooing, so you don’t get inflammation or disease through the needle. Consumer advice centers warn that poor hygiene in tattoo studios can lead to serious infections such as HIV or hepatitis. It’s best to learn more about the studio and the colors used beforehand.

Go through the hygiene checklist in the tattoo studio

Tattoo artists should always work in a clean and hygienic environment. In addition to easy-to-clean surfaces and floors, this also includes disposable towels on the cot or chair, explains the website safer tattoo. The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection also has one checklist compiled for the selection of the tattoo studio.

Among other things, tattoo fans should be able to answer these questions positively: Is the tattoo machine hygienically packed in plastic or can it be removed? Are small disposable containers available for tattoo paints and disinfectants? Does the tattoo artist work with disposable gloves, sterile needles, maybe even a mask?

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Pay attention to the colors in the tattoo studio

For a long time, there were no uniform regulations for tattoo studios. Then came 2020 Standard DIN “Tattoo – Safe and hygienic practice (DIN EN 17169)”. In the EU there are now legal requirements for tattoo inks.

According to Regulation (EU) 2020/2081, colors can no longer contain substances classified as carcinogenic or mutagenic. Over 4,000 pollutants have been banned or restricted. According to Consumer Advice Centers, experts fear some studies may now be using unexplored substitute products.

Also interesting: these colors are forbidden when tattooing

The advice is important

Some colors are also suspected of triggering allergies. Since the color pigments remain permanently under the skin, interested parties should inform themselves in advance about the materials used in the tattoo studio. Get confirmation from the study that the colors comply with current regulations.

You can also recognize a good studio by the fact that the tattoo artist asks about existing allergies. In general, it is a good sign when tattoo artists inform their new clients in detail so that they feel in good hands in the studio. Customers should also ensure that tattoo colors have labels – with manufacturer information, expiration date, lot number and ingredient information. A photo of the label can later help you understand the ingredients if you have allergies.

Leave time to choose a theme

Last but not least, the style of the tattoo artist should also match your taste, after all, you usually wear the motif for life. It is important to know that tattoos often cannot be removed completely without a trace and not without risk, consumer advocates warn. As a rule, health insurance companies do not cover moving costs or consequential damages. The decision to go to the tattoo studio should therefore not be made for a holiday mood or a spontaneous idea. Incidentally, in renowned tattoo studios, different tattoo artists are responsible for the different styles. So when choosing the studio, make sure their style of tattooing suits your tastes.

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Miley Cyrus has already tattooed a wide variety of motifs.

Note the offer of the studio

A good tattoo artist usually focuses only on their craftsmanship. If your favorite tattoo studio offers piercings or cosmetic treatments in addition to tattoos, you should make sure that each service is performed by a respective expert. You should avoid self-proclaimed handymen.


  • with DPA material
  • Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection

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