Raid in the Archdiocese of Cologne – politics


In the course of the investigation into Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, the Cologne prosecutor’s office had several premises searched, including in the archdiocese.

The action has been ongoing since 8 a.m. in a total of six locations, the prosecutor said. These are various announcements on charges of perjury and perjury.

WDR and other media had already talked about it.

According to the WDR, these are the originals of documents that the broadcaster had published in recent months. They are meant to raise suspicions that Cardinal Woelki could not have been telling the truth when he testified under oath. The procedure involved the promotion of a priest to vice president of the city of Düsseldorf.

Until March of this year, Woelki did not want to know anything about his leanings in important points. According to his own statements, the WDR published a seemingly personal letter from Woelkis to the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the Vatican. The allegations against the priest were detailed in 2018.

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