Everyone makes these 3 mistakes when packing


You should avoid these 3 mistakes when packing your suitcase

1. Not having a packing list

If you don’t have a packing list yet, it’s best to start with it the next time you pack, because this checklist is worth its weight in gold. Not only does it save you a lot of time, but it also allows you to pack more effectively. This way you can also be sure that you don’t forget anything. Your best bet is to check out our vacation checklist here and add your must-haves.

2. Do not put important things in your hand luggage

Especially in times of chaos with suitcases, we should always play it safe and never take any chances. It also means that the important things you can’t do without on holiday need to be stowed in your hand luggage. Whether it’s medication, papers, charging cable, laptop or the most necessary clothes, all of this should be in your suitcase, because that way you don’t run the risk of getting completely lost if your luggage doesn’t arrive. By the way: if you are afraid of forgetting important things, don’t worry. Here you will find 15 things that should not be missing in your suitcase.

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