Watermelon: calories, vitamins and ingredients


The child eats watermelon

© Jill Wellington

Watermelon is especially popular in summer, as we like to savor the juicy fruit on hot days. The high water content and fruity taste make watermelons a healthy, almost calorie-free refreshment. This type of melon is best eaten fresh and raw, but delicious watermelon recipes such as punch, Smoothies or fruit sorbets are a hit at every garden party. These vitamins and other healthy ingredients are found in watermelon due to the high water content in the fruit and the high number of calories it provides.

Watermelon: vitamins and other healthy ingredients

Despite their high water content, fruit fibers also contain many vitamins, especially vitamin A, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), Niacin (vitamin B3) and also some vitamin C.

In addition, watermelon contains various minerals, especially magnesium, phosphate and calcium. In addition, the fruit has a low sodium content in relation to potassium, which together with the high water content dehydrates and cleanses the kidneys.

The seeds of the melon are also not to be scoffed at, as they contain vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins. So not only can you eat them without hesitation, they are also healthy.

Watermelon also contains lycopene. These are secondary plant substances that have a cell-protective effect similar to vitamin C. The contained amino acid L-citrulline is said to increase fat burning. In animal experiments, weight loss in affected animals was demonstrated through the use of watermelon extract. To what extent these findings can be extrapolated to humans remains to be seen.

Watermelon: water content, calories and nutritional values

First, a watermelon – as the name suggests – contains water. The water content is approx 90 to 95 percent. As a result, a watermelon has very few calories, only about 24 to 39 calories (kcal), or 100 to 163 kilojoules, per 100 grams.

A look at the remaining nutritional values ​​of the watermelon shows: its pulp contains almost no fat (0.2 grams). Also containing only small amounts of fiber and protein (protein), carbohydrates make up about six to eight percent of the pulp.

Watermelons: buying and storing

The watermelon season is practically all year round due to their large distribution area. In Germany, however, they are usually only available in the summer months.

Since the ripeness of the fruit is not visible from the thick green peel, a little trick helps when buying: If you hear a dull, sonorous sound when touching the watermelon, the fruit is ripe. If it sounds hollow and metallic, the melon isn’t ready to eat yet.

Since most people can’t eat a whole watermelon in one sitting and the fruit goes bad in the fridge after a few days, you can often buy melon halves or quarters at fruit stores. With these, it’s easier to gauge the condition and ripeness of the watermelon by looking at the cut flesh. The pulp should be uniformly colored in a juicy shade of red or pink. However, sliced ​​melons are usually wrapped in plastic wrap. If you want to do without plastic waste, you should rather take the whole melon.

You can also freeze watermelon. It is best to cut the fruit into smaller cubes. This way you can portion them and work them better later. When cold, the semi-frozen melon is also a delicious base for cold drinks or desserts.

Recipes with watermelon

The most common way to prepare a watermelon is to simply cut it in half, then into quarters and slice it. Because of its strong and bright color, watermelon is also a popular food decoration.

Watermelon punch

The following recipe for a bowl of watermelon (non-alcoholic) is suitable for summer parties:

  1. From a large watermelon, cut off some kind of top.
  2. Remove the pulp until only the empty skin is left, like a Halloween pumpkin. This acts as a punch container.
  3. Cut the meat into bite-size pieces.
  4. You can now fill the emptied watermelon with a bottle of white wine. Apple or grape juice, for example, is suitable for a non-alcoholic version.
  5. Then you can add the watermelon pulp and a jar of mixed fruit.
  6. Now put the lid back on and leave the bowl in the fridge overnight.
  7. Just before serving, give a chilled bottle of sparkling wine or mineral water added.
5 facts about watermelons (infographic)

5 facts about watermelons – © iStock.com/chekat

Smoothie with watermelon

An excellent refreshment on hot days is also the watermelon smoothie, which can be easily prepared according to this recipe:

  • Blend 300 grams of pitted fruit pulp with a cup of yogurt and 120 milliliters of milk.
  • Then add two scoops of vanilla ice cream.
  • Blend the smoothie until you get a frothy mixture.
  • Pour the drink into two glasses and decorate with mint leaves.

Watermelon: Cultivation & Origin

Watermelon is native to South Africa. Because it loves the sun and dry, sandy soil, it still grows wild in the steppe today. However, wild watermelon varieties usually have a bitter taste and are most popular for their seeds. In many southern countries, these are roasted and salted like sunflower seeds and eaten as a healthy snack. Flour or oil is also made from watermelon seeds.

Domestication and cultivation of watermelon began already in ancient Egypt. However, the fruit arrived relatively late in Europe. Today China, Turkey, the United States, Iran and Brazil are among the most important countries for the cultivation of this melon variety.

Just like their relatives, herbaceous annual watermelon plants grow in branching tendrils on the ground. An adult watermelon can weigh around 100 kilograms, but the fruit usually weighs between three and six kilograms.

Is watermelon a fruit or a vegetable?

Watermelon, like other types of melon, is a fruit vegetable. All melons belong to the family of Gourds, but some types of melons are particularly related to the cucumber family, such as the honeydew melon or the sugar melon.

Strictly speaking, watermelon is a vegetable and not a fruit, even though it is traded and eaten like a fruit.

Updated: 07/10/2023

Author: Kristina Klement

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