iX-IWorkshop: Power Course VMware vSphere 7 and 8 (10% early discount until 30.7.)


VMware vSphere is a popular virtualization solution that has reached a significant degree of maturity with the eighth generation of the product currently available. In this five-day intensive workshop, you will learn about installing, configuring and administering a vSphere 7 and 8 environment in numerous hands-on exercises on a real vSphere system, both from the command line and with the graphical administration interface.


Alexej Prozorov and Christoph Karger work as consultants at Söldner Consult GmbH with a focus on cloud computing and virtualization. In this interactive training, they attach particular importance to the transmission of best practices.

THE vSphere administration power course will take place from 28 August to 1 September as an online training course. It is aimed at Windows and Linux administrators looking for a quick and efficient introduction to the VMware virtualization platform used in many enterprises. The number of participants is limited to ten people to allow intensive work and a complete exchange between participants and speakers. If you register by July 30, 2023, you will receive a 10% discount on the workshop fee.

VMware vSphere 7 and 8 Power Course AdministrationOnline, August 28-September 1, 2023

Also in November There is an opportunity to participate in this intensive vSphere training course.

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