Tour de France: “Jonas Vingegaard is afraid” – experts analyze the duel with Tadej Pogacar for the yellow jersey


“He’s afraid of the UAE collective,” Durand analyzed the final stage. “He found himself alone against Majka, Yates and Soler, waiting from the breakaway group – all around him were UAE jerseys. His own aides, Kuss, Kelderman and Benoot, however, remained everybody back,” said the three-time Tour stage winner.

His assessment is therefore, even if Vingegaard would never admit it and would refer to his position in the yellow jersey: “He’s afraid of Pogacar”.

Opinion shared by Chainel, for whom Pogacar was too passive on Sunday. “He Aligns his race exclusively with Pogacar, he no longer attacks himself”, observed the Frenchman.

Tour of France

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But there is no arguing about the extraordinary form of the two protagonists, who have dueled at every opportunity since the first day of the tour in Bilbao.

Adam Blythe, a cycling expert at Eurosport London, agreed with his colleagues in Paris: “I don’t think Vingegaard has the confidence to attack Pogacar,” said Blythe. “We have not seen a single attack from Vingegaard.

There was a moment where he was attached to Pogacar’s rear wheel and I was like, ‘Is he going to attack?’ But I think he’s afraid of wasting time. He doesn’t believe in himself enough to attack and buy more time.”

The Tour de France is as thrilling as it has been for a long time

Much to the delight of the fans, who are offered the tightest tour in decades – and to whom Chainel promises: “One thing is clear: at their current level, these two are going to give us an insane third week!”

After Monday’s rest day, the duel continues in the 2023 Tour’s only individual time trial in the Alps, before the king’s stage over the tour’s highest pass, the Col de la Loze (2304m), on Wednesday.
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Tour of France

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