ELTERN Test: VapoWesp from “The Lion’s Den”


The Lion’s Den
We test the ecological wasp deterrent “VapoWesp”

VapoWesp: box of incense against wasps

VapoWesp powder additives are available in different fragrances

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“Keep wasps away naturally” – that’s what the smoke box promises VapoWasp. And therefore makes an attractive offer for families especially for the summer months. We tested if it works for you!

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We all want to be able to have an outdoor barbecue or picnic when the weather is nice. What to do with parasites that are attracted to the smell of sweet and spicy foods? Families especially try to keep their hands off chemical clubs. For the health of the children and also because it is more beautiful to show them that nature can be treated with care. AND VapoWasp a solution? The founders – mother and daughter – are convinced of this.

The lion’s den: ELTERN tested VapoWesp

Our editor Claudia, mother of three children and owner of a rather wild and flowery garden, yes VapoWasp subjected to the practical test. Is it easy to use, safe for children and does it work?

What did founders Leslie and Claudia Eckert think?

Steaming ground coffee is a natural way to keep wasps away. An old home remedy that has an unpleasant smell for many. The founders want to make the home remedy more accessible with an easy-to-handle box for incense and herbal fragrance additives. Simple ingredients, but perhaps a brilliant business idea?

And how does it work in practice? Our verdict:

It comes visually VapoWesp Smoker Box immediately very appealing: a sturdy cardboard box with nice illustrations, color areas and clear, modern lettering, looks a bit eco, but not old-fashioned. The same picture when unpacking: The wooden smoking box also looks practical and modern, but not over the top. The incense bowl is easy to clean and the whole thing is also very easy to assemble – in the truest sense of the word, my children do it.

The lion's den: we test the ecological wasp deterrent "VapoWasp"

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Two spoonfuls of ground coffee are quickly arranged, a selected favorite scent to try (hay flowers and thyme), the ground coffee is simply mixed with a spoonful of the herbal blend and then lit in several places with a long match or lighter and made shine. When it lights up, put on the lid, and if an attentive child figures out how to put the lid on correctly, then the smoke can be easily adjusted with one hand using a turntable. Everything is ready in five minutes and everyone is rushing to participate. There are plus points for that.

We are satisfied with our chosen fragrance additive. Even the amount of smoke, because it is adjustable, is really tolerable, even if the box is right on the table where we will eat outdoors. None of us humans feel disturbed. Do insects feel disturbed? We already see some flies and mosquitoes fleeing when the smoke blows at them. Smoking appeals to the animals’ danger instinct and signals danger, explain the instructions (in four languages) for the VapoWasp – and points out that beekeepers also work this way.

Our conclusion

We can’t judge at the moment whether you also keep the wasps away, because we don’t see a single one. Maybe a good sign? Our personal conclusion is also positive because of the mosquitoes that were scared away.

In the end, the coffee powder and herbs are not completely reduced to ashes, only partially. But we also portioned generously and experimented a bit with the air supply. What’s left over after that is definitely good as a flower bed fertilizer. Even the first samples with orange+rosemary as a mist powder smell very promising – unobtrusive, not like some scented candles, luckily! And we will certainly be testing lemon+basil soon, because the next use is already planned. THE three fragrances Incidentally, there are 50 and 100 g portions in bags.

More product tests from “The Height of the Lions” can be found here:

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