Work: 5 problems and how to solve them


Working and discovering the world at the same time: Many employees want a job. But most companies are still holding back. TRAVELBOOK reveals what’s behind the skepticism and what you could suggest to your boss and team.

Permanent and location-independent work is often only possible for the self-employed. There would be the possibility of traveling as an employee during holidays – during a so-called job. A job can increase employee motivation and satisfaction, but many companies don’t allow travel. This reluctance can have various reasons.

1. Problem: the legal aspects of a job

Work is always bound by legal regulations, this also applies to a job. Strong the Munich Labor Court (ArbG) ruled that employees do not have the right to work abroad. Regardless of how working from home is contractually regulated, you must ask for permission if you work as an employee. Anyone who flies abroad independently for a job should expect a warning or even dismissal.

In case of work, there are also legal risks for the company. Companies have to bear the costs that could arise in the event of double taxation.

The solution: To avoid having to pay taxes in two states, it is important that you do not work overseas for more than 183 calendar days.

Added to this are the labor laws of the destination. The human resources department of the company must examine each place of residence for the labor law situation and ensure that requirements such as compliance with break times can be met. Similarly, some countries require a work permit if you want to stay and work there longer as an employee.

The solution: Do a job in the European Union, because within the EU no work visa or work permit is required.

2nd problem: The financial burden

The jobs often require additional expenses for accommodation, travel and possibly technical equipment such as a laptop. For many businesses, these costs can be a financial burden. Especially if the company does not see the added value of the work, the employer may not cover the costs.

The solution: Offer the employer to finance the work privately.

A job has costs that must be paid
A job has costs that must be paidPhoto: Getty Images

3. Problem: Loss of control while working

When an employee works remotely, the employer has no way to control what the person is doing. It is therefore not possible to verify if the employee is actually doing the job or if he is simply sitting on the beach. Organizations may fear a loss of control over work processes and worker productivity when working outside the organization. If the company lacks confidence in the trustworthiness of its employees, a job is significantly more difficult.

The solution: Agree in advance measurable goals that you want to achieve within the job. And, while it may be difficult given the enticing beach or mountain: strictly adhere to the prescribed working hours and ideally enter them into a timing instrument.

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4. Problem: Possible communication problems

The physical separation of employees and employers can lead to communication problems if personal contact is limited by travel. It makes coordination difficult and can get in the way of work processes. Especially if the employee wants to work outside the EU, the distance can make communication difficult. Due to the time difference, it is often difficult to find a suitable time for online conferences. At worst, this leads to teamwork problems.

The solution: Ideally, choose a destination for your work that is within the EU or, if possible, has no time difference, such as South Africa. If a significant time difference is unavoidable, you should offer to be reachable and available for meetings outside of normal business hours.

Communication becomes more difficult, especially when traveling with a time difference
Communication becomes more difficult, especially when traveling with a time differencePhoto: Getty Images

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5. Problem: inequalities in the team

Typically, not all employees have the opportunity to participate in Workations, which could lead to inequalities within the team. This could lead to resentment among employees. Distance can also make employees feel isolated if there is no personal contact with the team and the company.

The solution: Before actually planning a job, you should talk openly with your team about the idea and address any issues directly. Another option would be to schedule a short job first and then, if there are no problems, a longer one.

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