This is the basis of the criticized “Body Contouring” cosmetic surgery

People & Style

Lean, toned and sporty – this is still the epitome of a “perfect body shape”. While hardly anyone matches this ideal, it persists in society. This usually takes a lot of self-discipline. Body contouring is a much easier way to get the ideal body. STYLEBOOK takes a closer look at the controversial trend.

Dissatisfaction with one’s appearance drives many people to discover the most diverse ways to optimize their body. A plastic-aesthetic intervention is usually one of the last measures in a series of self-optimized considerations. Yet, with the so-called “body contouring”, a trend is currently spreading that must be treated with caution. While such an operation improves one’s self-esteem, in the long run such a procedure can have the potential for addiction. But what exactly is hidden behind the term body contouring? Which body parts can be optimized with it? And what are the risks of such an intervention?

Contour surgery: beautiful, more beautiful, more beautiful?

In essence, contour surgery includes all plastic-aesthetic procedures to change the shape of the body. This is where the eternal quest for perfection finds its culmination, which manifests itself in the form of treatments such as liposuction, skin tightening, augmentation and reduction. The procedures most frequently performed to optimize one’s overall image are the removal and firming of fat in the abdomen and thigh area, breast surgery and the treatment of autologous fat. If you seriously think about such an intervention, you should always focus on what is feasible, emphasizes Prof. Dr. Reichenberger, tightening expert at ETHIANUM Heidelberg: “It sometimes happens that my patients are guided by the ‘ideals’ of the average. However, what is actually feasible depends a lot on the individual physical condition”.

This is how body contouring works

Preliminary speech

Every surgery is preceded by a medical consultation. You should prepare well for this, because then the doctor will also ask questions about the background, e.g. B. why the procedure should be performed and whether plastic-aesthetic procedures have already been performed on the body. In general, this discussion also serves to educate the patient about the surgical procedure and the possible risks and side effects of body contouring.

The preliminary examination

In addition to the enlightening conversation, additional measures are needed to exclude possible risks and ensure maximum success of the operation. During one or more preliminary visits, the attending physician records the general state of health, any allergies and risk factors. In addition, the affected body regions are examined in detail and, of course, measured. Depending on the scheduled intervention, laboratory tests are also performed, especially necessary for the administration of drugs. As part of these preliminary examinations, it is also clarified whether and which special bras, compression or similar supports are required for the healing process.

anesthesia and surgery

Normally, a body contouring procedure is always accompanied by general anesthesia. Of course, the attending physician also discusses the anesthetic procedure in detail with the patient. On the day of the operation, you should have someone close to you drive you to the clinic, who will stay nearby as an escort for the first night if possible. The duration of the operation depends on the extent of the treatment and the respective body region. A breast augmentation, for example, takes an hour to an hour and a half. In general, all doctors attach great importance to making incisions as precisely and unobtrusively as possible. All leather incisions are stitched using the latest techniques and materials, eliminating the need for pulling threads.

recovery and regeneration

After the successful completion of the operation, the incisions are covered with cleansing compresses. In addition, the previously provided compression clothing is used to minimize swelling and support the operated areas. “Of course, there is normal wound pain after the operation, but our patients can manage this very well by taking painkillers for a limited period of time,” explains Prof. Dr. Reichenberger about the after-effects of the operation. To prevent the operated areas of the body from becoming inflamed, the intake of certain medications and regular check-ups with a specialist are still mandatory. The length of your subsequent hospital stay depends on many factors. However, some days are quite normal, which of course should be clarified with the employer in advance.

What are the risks of body contouring?

Although the results are getting better and better thanks to advances in medicine, surgery should always be treated with caution. Because it absolutely cannot be avoided that such an operation is also full of risks. Despite the gentle techniques, there is a risk of capsular contracture after any breast augmentation. You also have to contend with one or more visible scars after a body altering procedure. Depending on the location of the body area being treated, these may be well covered by clothing. Immediately after the operation, bruising and swelling often occur, accompanied by severe pain. However, taking pain relievers and checking regularly with your doctor can usually prevent the inflammation from developing and ensure smooth healing.


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