These 10 sunscreens are best for the face


This is the meaning of the word sun protection factor

Sun Protection Factor (SPF) (SPF) tells you how long you can be in the sun with sunscreen on without burning compared to the time you could comfortably be without sunscreen. It always and specifically depends on the skin, on exposure to the sun and on the degree of tan already achieved. That’s why it’s important to use sunscreen every day for the first few months after the dreary German winter.

For example, an SPF of 30 means you can theoretically be in the sun 30 times longer without burning than if you weren’t using sunscreen. However, it is important to note that SPF is not linear. This means that a higher SPF does not automatically offer twice as much protection as a lower SPF.

There are several factors to consider when choosing the right SPF for your skin. These include your skin type, the intensity of the sun’s rays, and the length of time you’ve been in the sun. People with fair skin or who burn easily should generally use a higher SPF.

This is what the word self-protection means

Self-protection time when sunbathing refers to the length of time your skin can be exposed to the sun without sunscreen before a sunburn develops. It varies depending on your skin type and the location of the sun. Light-skinned people have a shorter self-protection time than darker skin types.

The self-protection time can also be influenced by other factors such as the intensity of solar radiation, geographical location and altitude above sea level. As a rule, the self-protection time is shortest at noon, when the sun is highest and the UV radiation is most intense.

Using a sunscreen with an appropriate SPF helps extend self-protection by providing additional protection from UV rays.

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