According to fashion professionals, you should always follow the 80/20 rule


Here’s why you should live by the 80/20 rule, too

You might think that a rule designed to keep your spending sprees in check is taking away the unfashionable fun. But the opposite is true! Through them, you continue to enjoy buying new pieces, but at the same time you watch your wallet and always have something in your closet that works well as a basis for the outfit. In this case, the phrase “I have nothing to wear” is heard. Fashion formula of the past. And this is what the 80/20 rule says:

80 percent

Fashion professionals meticulously plan what to buy, when and which trends to leave out. The 80/20 closet floor pay attention Invest 80% of your monthly shopping budget in sustainable basics only. We’re talking white shirts, simple jeans or a black dress. It is important that the parts can be combined in many ways and worn again and again. Then they may even be a little more expensive, because they form the basis of your wardrobe and should be of just as good quality.

20 percent

You can invest the remaining 20% ​​of your monthly shopping budget in trendy clothes and sales opportunities. These are mostly impulse buys like a wildly patterned blouse, the outrageously high-heeled shoes or the oversized hat – all of which will likely disappear into the closet depths next season. But it doesn’t matter, after all they should 20% only for the attention-grabbing element of your outfit take care of. The basics are 80% cured. The advantage: you always have something to wear and can better control how much you buy. Before you go shopping, always ask yourself if the item you’re looking at will be a sustainable, long-term addition to your closet.

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