“Grandpa’s eclectic style” is the biggest fashion trend of 2024


Coastal grandma aesthetic was yesterday? That’s right, because fashionistas now rely on the movement of trends “Eclectic grandfather”. How do we know this? Pinterest’s fashion report tells us this by analyzing the search queries of 480 million users and obtaining the latest trends. So this season we’re wearing oversized sweaters, corduroys and cardigans, topping it all off with retro sunglasses and loafers, true to the aesthetic of a grandparent’s wardrobe.

This is what characterizes the Eclectic Grandpa Style

It ties in perfectly with the much-hyped Old Money style and yet defines itself through its personal characteristics: we’re talking about Grandpacore, which deals with layering, XXL silhouette, corduroy, velvet AND Retro models evident in our wardrobe. Important color combinations are not only earth tones, classic colors such as black and gray, but also colorful accents, including orange or mustard yellow. While the knitted pieces offer nostalgia and coziness, the Electric Grandpa look also represents timeless classics and simple elegance.

3 pieces you need for grandpa’s eclectic look

1. Oversized sweaters

With a 146% increase in searches there’s no doubt about it: oversized sweaters are all the rage. Made of fleece or knit is irrelevant for now. What is most important is the oversized silhouette, which is strongly reminiscent of a grandfather’s look. It is best to complement this style with elegant clothing such as pleated trousers or loafers.

2. Cable

If we think back to our grandfather’s look, obviously a corduroy jacket, trousers or shirt should not be missing. The robust outer material is a true classic that thanks to the “grandfather” trend finally returns to our wardrobe. Especially in the period in which winter and spring meet, we also choose the material of the upper for an elegant and warm look.

3. Cardigans

An Electric Grandpa look without a comfortable cardigan? Difficult to imagine, because the comfort of these pieces is fundamental to the nostalgic and elegant look. That’s why we choose knitted jackets and use a wide variety of colors and shapes. Small side note: here too the cut can be oversized and boxy, faithful to the aesthetics of grandfather’s wardrobe.

This is how you combine the fashion trend

Of course, your look doesn’t have to be determined by your grandfather’s clothes. Art to create your own style, where the latest trends mix with retro pieces, ultimately defines Grandpacore. Choose trendy sneakers, modern denim skirts or coveted slingbacks for the perfect balance.

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