Stuxnet: Dutch intelligence probably contributed to sabotage in Iran

Stuxnet: Dutch intelligence probably contributed to sabotage in Iran In 2010, it became known around the world that Iran’s nuclear program had been sabotaged by malware. “Stuxnet” caused the destruction of centrifuges at the underground Natanz nuclear facility. Now the identity of the man who is said to have injected a version of this worm […]

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When Parents Get Loud: That’s What Yelling Does to Our Kids

When parents raise their voices How screaming affects children’s brains © izusek / Getty Images Probably no one wants to scold their children, yet unfortunately sometimes it happens. Here you can find out what consequences a reprimand can have for the little ones and how to react in the event of worse. There are days […]

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15 air-purifying houseplants that not only look beautiful but are also beneficial to your health

Did you know that there are plants that purify the air? We present 15 air-purifying houseplants that everyone should have at home! In 2007 he published A NASA study from BC Wolverton, in which the scientist tested whether and which houseplants have air-purifying properties. The study showed that the plants studied actually ensure that pollutants […]

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Nothing beats shimmery velvet hair this season: 3 styling tips

This article contains, among other things, product recommendations. We are free from the influence of third parties in the choice of products. If we make a purchase or referral via our affiliate links, we receive a commission from the relevant service provider/online shop, with the help of which we can continue to offer independent journalism.

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Three virtualizers for Raspberry Pi at a glance

Three virtualizers for Raspberry Pi at a glance Prepare the Debian base Create the first VM Install the ESXi sample hypervisor Container workflows for virtual machines Conclusion Read the article in c’t 2/2024 There are many popular web and server applications for Raspberry Pi, such as ad blockers like Pi-hole, print servers like OctoPrint or […]

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Skin care in winter: three crucial beauty rituals according to the expert

Adapting your body and skin care to winter weather is easier than you think. It is important to know and understand the right product formulas that strengthen our immune system and our skin. The Munich dermatologist, Dr., explains which are the three ideal routines for this purpose. med. Anne Gürtler by Nutrition for dermal health […]

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