This is why I boycott the show with Heidi Klum


Because with hand on heart: Even if Heidi Klum wants to keep up with the times with her model show, GNTM looks more old-fashioned than ever. “Models” is less and less about modeling – it’s more about building an influencer career to finally make your dream of an Oceans Apart-sponsored sports outfit come true.

And Heidi Klum? She continues to desperately try to reach the same age as her participants. Strange looks, she screams shrill and if none of that helps, then husband Tom Kaulitz must help keep Klum in the gossip Olympus. Klum’s marketing machine is cleverly running at full speed, but at whose expense?

True diversity at GNTM? Unfortunately I search in vain

For me, GNTM has lost a lot of credibility in recent years. Tall, short, curvy, thin and from this year also male: the show focuses more than ever on diversity, but I can’t believe it. I celebrate diversity and am happy with every little step we take and, thank God, the media is increasingly able to not make certain groups of people, body shapes or genders feel bad and to include everyone.

GNTM attempts to jump on this bandwagon, unfortunately rarely successfully. Because at the end of the day it is difficult for me to believe this message from Heidi Klum, who herself is very eager to look ever slimmer, ever fitter, ever younger and ever more perfect.

It’s a shame, because formats like GNTM have the power to reach exactly the people who need to be told over and over again that they are good, exactly as they are. Walking down a broken glass catwalk in five-inch heels or lounging in front of the camera wearing only a thong and listening to the condescending comments of a famous photographer who celebrated his latest successes when the young models were not yet born is certainly small help.

Discrimination, sexism and degradation instead of true and honest empowerment! My approach to the solution: A breath of fresh air on the moderator front – just saying!

Not everything about GNTM gets on my nerves

But hey, not everything is bad. I’m tuning into the great and now legendary episode of the restyling. When the model’s long blonde mane has to give way to a razor-short, scarlet hairstyle, or the brown bob becomes a bleached blonde perm, my trashy voyeurism takes over for a moment – I admit it.

Source used: editorial team

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