Holmenkollen: Benedikt Doll leads DSV’s bid in Norway – Janina Hettich-Walz lives in the World Cup hype

In addition to Hettich-Walz, Selina Grotian, Franziska Preuß, Johanna Puff, Sophia Schneider and Vanessa Voigt will also participate in the World Championships in Norway. The first competition scheduled is the women’s singles on Thursday (2.15pm live and on demand on discovery+).

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iRobot: Competition pushes robot vacuum cleaner makers into the red

After Amazon’s failed acquisition of robot vacuum cleaner manufacturer iRobot, Amazon is facing a sharp decline in sales in the fourth quarter of 2023. The blame lies with the competition, which offers comparable robot vacuum cleaners at cheaper prices. According to Monday’s quarterly report, sales losses are particularly high in the US domestic market. Announcement […]

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Schwangerschafts-Tweets: “Mein Mann geht laufen, ich esse Eis.”

Schwangerschaften werden gern als “wunderschön”, “bezaubernd” oder “wundervoll” beschrieben. Die Worte “anstrengend”, “schmerzhaft” und “ätzend” werden öfter vergessen. Schwanger zu sein, ist eine einzigartige Erfahrung mit vielen Höhen und so manchen Tiefen – das gehört alles dazu und ist absolut in Ordnung so. Diese lustigen Tweets auf X (ehemals Twitter) zeigen die absurde Seite dieser magischen Zeit. […]

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“VOGUE World 2024” heads to Paris to open Haute Couture Week – just before the Olympics

“I am delighted that ‘VOGUE World’ has found its third home here in Paris,” announced Anna Wintour, Chief Content Officer of Condé Nast and Global Editorial Director of VOGUE, at the Ritz Paris. “When ‘VOGUE World: New York’ presented itself as a kind of street party and ‘VOGUE World: London’ presented itself as a fascinating […]

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Sigulda: Max Langenhan gets his first overall World Cup triumph – Felix Loch gets his first win of the season

Before Sunday afternoon’s sprint and the final on the first weekend of March at the same location, Langenhan can no longer be pushed from above after an exceptional season with six World Cup victories and the World Cup title. “Of course it’s great to have won the overall World Cup. But despite the pain, the […]

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How to set up physical servers like in the cloud with Maas

How to set up physical servers like in the cloud with Maas Packing list Prepare the network Install Maas Set Maas Know phase and installation Conclusion Software as a service, Platform as a service, Infrastructure as a service. More and more “…as a service” services are appearing in the cloud landscape. Constantly new buzzwords that […]

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Birth Injury: Influencer Talks ‘Husband Stitch’

“Husband’s Point” “They sewed me tighter after birth – without my consent!” © LoloStock / Adobe Stock Have you ever heard of “Husband Stitch” or perhaps had experience with it? At least let’s hope not the latter! Affected women therefore suffer from severe pain. An influencer talks about her experiences after giving birth. What seems […]

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