Storing Legos in order: 6 ideas for less chaos in the children’s bedroom

Did your child receive new Lego sets for Christmas and now there is a mess of small parts in the bedroom? With a smart storage system you not only create order, but also make tidying up small stones child’s play. You can find out how to smartly organize Legos and other small parts here. With […]

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Schwangerschafts-Tweets: “Mein Mann geht laufen, ich esse Eis.”

Schwangerschaften werden gern als “wunderschön”, “bezaubernd” oder “wundervoll” beschrieben. Die Worte “anstrengend”, “schmerzhaft” und “ätzend” werden öfter vergessen. Schwanger zu sein, ist eine einzigartige Erfahrung mit vielen Höhen und so manchen Tiefen – das gehört alles dazu und ist absolut in Ordnung so. Diese lustigen Tweets auf X (ehemals Twitter) zeigen die absurde Seite dieser magischen Zeit. […]

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Birth Injury: Influencer Talks ‘Husband Stitch’

“Husband’s Point” “They sewed me tighter after birth – without my consent!” © LoloStock / Adobe Stock Have you ever heard of “Husband Stitch” or perhaps had experience with it? At least let’s hope not the latter! Affected women therefore suffer from severe pain. An influencer talks about her experiences after giving birth. What seems […]

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Eltern-Tweets: “Mama, ich habe ein Pflaster vom Boden gegessen.”

Im Leben wird man auf einiges vorbereitet, aber sicherlich nicht auf das Elternsein mit all seinen Höhen und Tiefen. Wie absurd – und absurd witzig – der Alltag mit unseren Kindern ist, haben diese 50 Tweets von X (ehemals Twitter) gekonnt auf den Punkt gebracht. 50 witzige Tweets über den Alltag als Elternteil Having kids is such an […]

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Is your child very sensitive? 3 key strategies to show him love

Is your child very sensitive? 3 key strategies to show him love “I’m fine just the way I am,” when our children think this about themselves, we know we’ve done everything right. In the video we present three tips for promoting this self-image in your children. Moreover Parents of highly sensitive children are often faced […]

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Early childhood education: This mistake harms children

Support children? This parenting mistake harms children for life © NadyaEugene / Shutterstock Parents only have good intentions when they support their children. But this has its pitfalls: Experts warn against the parental mistake of depriving children of their freedom. Contents of the article Early childhood support can limit children in the long term Clarinet […]

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Star babies: the most unusual baby names of celebrities

Average has no place in the world of celebrity. This is probably also why conventional baby names fall into the void between stars and starlets. Because more and more celebrities are choosing unusual and never before seen names for their children. These include Sarah Connor, Alicia Keys and Beyoncé. But who gets to choose the […]

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Huberta Gabalier: “Living here and now is the key to happiness”

Someone is always screaming Huberta Gabalier: “Living here and now is the key to happiness” © Валерий Зотьев / Adobe Stock Huberta Gabalier’s life story seems like an emotional film script in which joy and suffering, but (spoiler alert!) also a happy ending are close. She tells us her moving story and reveals how writing […]

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