Analysis of the Gigaset acquisition: breathe a sigh of relief, sink in the long term

Initially, the acquisition of the European market leader for DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) telephones should be considered positive. The opening of insolvency proceedings under autonomous administration, announced in September 2023, now seems to have been averted. As a result, the 850 employees are now likely to have hope of continuing to work. Announcement As […]

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#acquisition from parents: "Should go!" – A mother honestly tells about the quarrels between brothers

In wishful thinking one has several children so that they can play together and grow up happily together. But what if the sibling dynamic is difficult from the start? When does jealousy and arguments make family life incredibly stressful? Alke tells her story in this acquisition. Every weekend we leave our Instagram account @elternmagazin different […]

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