15 air-purifying houseplants that not only look beautiful but are also beneficial to your health

Did you know that there are plants that purify the air? We present 15 air-purifying houseplants that everyone should have at home! In 2007 he published A NASA study from BC Wolverton, in which the scientist tested whether and which houseplants have air-purifying properties. The study showed that the plants studied actually ensure that pollutants […]

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Not very beneficial: these 3 sentences damage self-confidence

Little profitable 3 phrases that hurt children’s confidence All parents would like to strengthen their children, but sometimes they subconsciously achieve the opposite Moreover by Marie Mühlenberg 06/01/2023 09:37 They are well-meaning and meant to motivate, but a few sentences can destroy rather than boost a child’s confidence. And this without the parents really noticing. […]

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