Early childhood education: This mistake harms children

Support children? This parenting mistake harms children for life © NadyaEugene / Shutterstock Parents only have good intentions when they support their children. But this has its pitfalls: Experts warn against the parental mistake of depriving children of their freedom. Contents of the article Early childhood support can limit children in the long term Clarinet […]

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Negative effects: 3 phrases we shouldn’t say to children

Thought, said, regretted 3 parenting phrases that can negatively influence children Some phrases can influence the child’s emotional strength. Moreover by Jeanine Insam February 5, 2024, 9:42 am Words spoken cannot be taken back, and some of them have a greater impact on our children than we might think. We will tell you which phrases […]

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Parenting: 5 things mentally strong children do and how parents can support them

Education 5 things mentally strong children do and how parents can support them We will tell you how you can strengthen your child’s resilience: you will find out more in the video. Moreover As parents, we want to give our children as much as possible for their future life. Independence and resilience are very important […]

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Growing up with love and foresight: 3 phrases that emotionally strong children often hear

Educate with love and vision 3 phrases that emotionally strong children often hear Watch the video to learn the three important phrases that will help your children develop a healthy relationship with themselves and their environment. Moreover Communication in education plays a crucial role in building children’s emotional stability. The way we talk to our […]

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Psychology: These parenting methods turn children into narcissists

psychology 3 habits that parents often use to make their children grow up as narcissists Early in life we ​​get used to seemingly negative character traits. Moreover Parents always want the best for their children. Unfortunately, these three parental habits can cause little ones to develop a self-centered personality. Almost nothing influences our personality as […]

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School enrollment in 2024: What should children be able to do when they start school?

What does a child need to be able to do to start school? In the video, our expert explains why you don’t have to worry so much about the question. Calming, right? Would you like to know more on the topic? Then take a look at our special “Starting School” – there you will find […]

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3 things “hostile” parents do to make their children feel insecure

Education 3 Things That Could Indicate You May Be “Hostile” Parents It may happen that we inadvertently cause “harm” to our child. Moreover Parents usually want the best for their children, yet we can accidentally hurt and upset them by our actions. These three things can indicate that you may be an “unfriendly” parent. Do […]

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