Still speculation about the purchase of Disney by Apple

In Hollywood and on Wall Street speculations about a possible acquisition of Disney by Apple are renewed. These are licensed, inter alia, by a Hollywood Reporter report, which said Disney CEO Bob Iger may be weighing the once “unthinkable” option. To the Billionaire meeting of media and technology companies in America’s Sun Valley there were […]

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Movies for Spring: From Disney to Jane Austen: These are the top 10 spring classics

Spring Movies: These are the top 10 spring classics Pastel wildflowers, full skirts, bergère hats and Mr. Darcy’s voice at dawn: “I should tell you that you have completely enchanted me and that I love you, I love you, I love you” – what could trigger more spring fever than a good 19th century romance? […]

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Movies for Spring: From Disney to Jane Austen: These are the top 10 spring classics

Spring Movies: These are the top 10 spring classics Pastel wildflowers, full skirts, bergère hats and Mr. Darcy’s voice at dawn: “I should tell you that you have completely enchanted me and that I love you, I love you, I love you” – what could trigger more spring fever than a good 19th century romance? […]

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