Movies for Spring: From Disney to Jane Austen: These are the top 10 spring classics

Spring Movies: These are the top 10 spring classics Pastel wildflowers, full skirts, bergère hats and Mr. Darcy’s voice at dawn: “I should tell you that you have completely enchanted me and that I love you, I love you, I love you” – what could trigger more spring fever than a good 19th century romance? […]

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Movies for Spring: From Disney to Jane Austen: These are the top 10 spring classics

Spring Movies: These are the top 10 spring classics Pastel wildflowers, full skirts, bergère hats and Mr. Darcy’s voice at dawn: “I should tell you that you have completely enchanted me and that I love you, I love you, I love you” – what could trigger more spring fever than a good 19th century romance? […]

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