Scholz on the war in Ukraine: “Peace without freedom means oppression” – politics

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) warned against the desire for peace at any cost. “Peace without freedom means oppression. There is no peace without justice,” Scholz said in his video message for Easter. “That’s why we support Ukraine in its fight for a just peace, as long as necessary,” he underlined. “We also do it for […]

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Muslims in Munich: what Ramadan means for them – Munich

Some companies have prayer rooms Open the detailed view Inas Ali Zeidan from Garching is responsible for recruitment. (Photo: Catherine Hess) “Ramadan is the time to reset everything,” says Inas Ali Zeidan. The 39-year-old is a recruiter for the automotive industry. “The first few days are difficult until you recover. But it’s a precious time. […]

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