Erdoğan suffers an epochal defeat in the local elections. – Opinion

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has always considered himself a man of the people, someone who won the majority. And now? He lost several million votes in a year. The president is experiencing a debacle in local elections, which could be a sign of things to come. It’s difficult to write this sentence. The beginning of the […]

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Washington primaries: Haley’s victory, Biden’s chance – Opinion

The GOP has no chance against Donald Trump, and winning her first primary election doesn’t change that. But their success in Washington DC carries an important message for the sitting president. Nikki Haley, the only woman who still dares to do something within the Republican Party (in any case we no longer hear from the […]

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The Catholic Church in Germany clearly distances itself from the AfD’s opinion

God created man in his image. God himself is reflected in every single person. This is a fundamental principle of Christianity, in which the Christian commandment of charity and the principle of inviolable human dignity are rooted. In radicalized thinking, however, this equal dignity of all people is denied or relativized and declared irrelevant for […]

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Hans-Georg Maaßen: Feeds right-wing extremists and conspiracy ideologues – opinion

The constitutional state must carefully decide against whom to act to protect its constitution. But it also has to be consistent. It is now being put to the test in this already complicated area of ​​tension, because the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is now monitoring its former president, Hans-Georg Maaßen. This is […]

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Trump and Johnson: Rule of Law Beats Narcissism – opinion

In the US and UK, the country is reclaiming what populists Trump and Johnson took from it. On the other hand, omitting this revaluation for tactical reasons would subsequently prove the seducers right. Revenge, according to ancient English wisdom, is a dish best served cold. In the case of repeat offenders Donald Trump and Boris […]

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