Emily, 13, died during a school trip: teachers fined for manslaughter – Panorama

In the trial for the death of a diabetic student during a school trip, the two accused teachers were sentenced to a fine for manslaughter. The fines for the two women, aged 34 and 60, are 7,200 euros and 23,400 euros respectively. Then 13-year-old Emily died of a heart attack due to extreme hyperglycemia during […]

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Gas leak in Philadelphia: trust the dog’s nose! -Panorama

Many animals dig: moles build mounds everywhere, voles too, although somehow not so impressive. Raccoons dig small holes, as do badgers, and even a little larger ones. And while you can’t blame them personally – instinct wins – it can be very annoying, especially if it happens in your yard. But what if man’s best […]

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Bad weather in Slovenia, Austria, Croatia: high water and dam failure – panorama

About 500 residents of the village of Dolnja Bistrica in Slovenia were rescued after a dam that protected the Mur River from flooding broke, state television RTV Slovenija reports. The breakage is a consequence of the flooding after the heavy rains of recent days. Nine other villages on the Mur are still in danger, according […]

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Lioness who escaped to Berlin: the search continues – all the news – Panorama

Police are still looking for a big cat on the loose in Berlin and Brandenburg. Around 100 emergency services are currently employed, according to the Berlin police. During the night there was therefore no new information on his whereabouts. According to a spokeswoman in Berlin, the search is still focused on the southern districts. What […]

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Bad weather in Germany: this is how the night went – ​​Panorama

Germany is almost done with the first big storms of the summer. On Thursday, severe storms raged in many parts of the country. Hailstones, some the size of golf balls, fell and heavy rain flooded streets and basements. However, no serious damage was reported on Friday night and police did not provide any information on […]

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Missing Titan: Search teams apparently heard shots – Panorama

In search of the missing submarine titanium in the North Atlantic off Newfoundland, emergency services may have heard a sign of life from the occupants. Search teams detected one type of noise every 30 minutes Tuesday in the area where the submarine is suspected to be located, according to an internal US government memo. hence […]

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Netflix Documentary “Queen Cleopatra”: What Color Was Cleopatra’s Skin? -Panorama

Not much has been defined yet for a full-blown controversy, a short clip of actress Adele James as Cleopatra screaming in her sleep — a nightmare? the contractions? -, brandishing a sword or holding hands with the Roman rulers. The four-part Netflix documentary ‘Queen Cleopatra’ begins May 10, but the Egyptians have had enough. Because […]

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