Macron does not want to rule out the presence of ground troops in Ukraine – the reactions – the politics

It’s a statement that is attracting a lot of attention and criticism: on Monday evening, after a conference on aid to Ukraine in Paris, President Emmanuel Macron commented on the possible deployment of French ground troops. At the meeting of over 20 heads of state and government there was no agreement on the use of […]

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According to fashion professionals, you should always follow the 80/20 rule

Here’s why you should live by the 80/20 rule, too You might think that a rule designed to keep your spending sprees in check is taking away the unfashionable fun. But the opposite is true! Through them, you continue to enjoy buying new pieces, but at the same time you watch your wallet and always […]

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Trump and Johnson: Rule of Law Beats Narcissism – opinion

In the US and UK, the country is reclaiming what populists Trump and Johnson took from it. On the other hand, omitting this revaluation for tactical reasons would subsequently prove the seducers right. Revenge, according to ancient English wisdom, is a dish best served cold. In the case of repeat offenders Donald Trump and Boris […]

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