Emily, 13, died during a school trip: teachers fined for manslaughter – Panorama

In the trial for the death of a diabetic student during a school trip, the two accused teachers were sentenced to a fine for manslaughter. The fines for the two women, aged 34 and 60, are 7,200 euros and 23,400 euros respectively. Then 13-year-old Emily died of a heart attack due to extreme hyperglycemia during […]

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School enrollment in 2024: What should children be able to do when they start school?

What does a child need to be able to do to start school? In the video, our expert explains why you don’t have to worry so much about the question. Calming, right? Would you like to know more on the topic? Then take a look at our special “Starting School” – there you will find […]

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Ifo Education Barometer: Germans are increasingly dissatisfied with school – Politics

Shortage of teachers, a backlog in digitalisation, unequally distributed educational opportunities – it is no surprise that many Germans are dissatisfied with the country’s schools. The numbers reported by the Munich Ifo Institute in this year’s education barometer could come as a negative surprise to one or the other ministry of education.

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Congratulations on starting school: 15 beautiful sayings

Are you looking for a nice saying for the inscription? Here are 15 ideas that will give schoolchildren personal thoughts and congratulations. School enrollment: the start of school Many children look forward to the start of school – an exciting time awaits them at school. On their first day of school, your child will have […]

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Ireland: Small Town agrees to cancel smartphones for primary school children

In a small Irish town, parental initiatives from all eight primary schools have agreed to a voluntary refusal of smartphones for children studying there. This is to counter the peer pressure that makes children under the age of 11-12 already want a smartphone, writes the Irish Times. The “No smartphone voluntary code” is intended to […]

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Bitkom: Digital Pact School 2.0 is expected to launch quickly

IT industry association Bitkom calls for clarity for schools when it comes to digitalisation. As Bitkom president Achim Berg says, the digital pact for schools will expire in exactly one year, on May 16, 2024. The future of the funding program is not yet clear. Berg is calling for the federal and state governments to […]

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