Munich Security Conference: Scholz and Zelenskyj for more help for Ukraine – politics

From Daniel Brössler and Nicola’s friend It’s a difficult morning at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof. Overnight the news went around the world that the Ukrainian armed forces were withdrawing from the disputed city of Avdiivka in Donbass. The shared one Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyj on Facebook with. The atmosphere at the Munich Security Conference is […]

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Workshop iX IT Security: Understanding and Successfully Repelling Attack Techniques

The iX laboratory Cyber ​​security: current attack techniques and their defense deals with current attack techniques and the resulting protective measures needed for your IT systems against potential attacks. Based on the current threat situation in the field of IT security, you will learn practical strategies and techniques to defend yourself from the most frequent […]

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The Notepad++ developers apparently ignore the security flaws

Anyone using Notepad++ under Windows leaves their system vulnerable to attack. Security researchers reported four vulnerabilities to the developer in late April 2023, but not much has happened since then. In the worst case, malicious code can enter your computer after a successful attack. Announcement Security researchers at the GitHub Security Lab have discovered the […]

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Missing Link: Cyber ​​Security: The Sore Spot in the Bright Satellite Sky

Earth satellites have evolved in recent years from monstrous and little-noticed celestial objects to lifelines of the networked society. The best-known services processed through them include navigation services such as GPS or the EU counterpart Galileo. In addition to military and intelligence spy satellites, civilian systems such as Copernicus are responsible for earth observation, which […]

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