Bonding: This is how an intimate father-child relationship succeeds

Papa Baby Bond “Men have biologically based grooming behavior” © anushkatoronto / Adobe Stock Is mom still your favorite person? Not necessarily. What fathers can do before and after childbirth for a strong relationship with the child. Biology appears to be on the side of the mothers. Even during pregnancy, the female brain is reshaped […]

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Not a day like any other: Wimbledon succeeds in the FA Cup final against the sensational Liverpool

To the May 14, 1988 Wimbledon FC managed one of the biggest sensations in the history of the FA Cup. In the final at Wembley Stadium, the Londoners, also known as the “Crazy Gang”, beat big favorites Liverpool 1-0. Liverpool had just become champions of England and had a chance to win the double. Wimbledon, […]

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