Design a balcony for children: in 3 steps to a play oasis


Do you want to make your balcony a place of well-being for your child? We’ll show you some ideas on how to make your balcony not only childproof but also a cozy outdoor play oasis in three steps.

When I visit family friends in their gardens on warm days, I often get a little glimmer of envy. Fresh air. hot sun. song of birds. And the children play happily outdoors, without having to pack up and leave the house.

But if we don’t have a garden, but only – and at least – a balcony, we can create such a place on a small scale with a few simple means: cozy, green and safe for children. A place where children can play, picnic and dream long and happy. Outside. And at home at the same time.

Inspiration, like yours Design a balcony for your child you can get it here.

1. Create comfort on the balcony

First of all, it makes a huge difference if your balcony floor consists of cold tiles, slabs of gray concrete or stone – or warm and inviting wooden. With little effort you can clickable wooden tiles Lay over the existing balcony floor. The advantages are:

  • A wooden floor feels hotter TO
  • wooden tiles dry faster
  • You are wet less slippery
  • Your balcony looks more inviting and more welcoming
  • THE tiles can be used just remove it

A tough one outdoor carpet it’s big floor cushion can turn the balcony into a cozy corner.

An unsightly balcony railing or concrete wall can be treated with a reed mat be disguised. This means that there are no dangerous crevices for children’s arms, legs or heads to get stuck in and the cool walls look natural and warm.

2. Make the balcony safe for children

Many parents wonder: When should a balcony be childproofed? The clear answer is: as soon as the child is mobile and uses the balcony. These points must be observed:

  • Identify potential climbing aids: Beverage crates, flower pots or balcony furniture – children are creative when it comes to climbing. So take a close look at what you put where and how accessible it is on your balcony. When in doubt, banish them from the balcony.
  • Build a climbing barrier: To make it more difficult for your child to climb the balcony railing, inward hanging planters can be a good climbing barrier.
  • Railings for disguise: Balcony cladding with horizontal slats can encourage children to climb like a ladder. Longitudinal slats with small distances between them, through which the child’s head or thighs cannot pass, are safer. One internal paneling can make a balcony railing less than ideal for childproofing.
  • Secure French door: If you want to make sure that your child does not open the balcony door by himself, you can open it quickly and easily with a balcony door lock door lock. The danger of pinching little fingers on the balcony door can be overcome window clips ban.
  • Safe plant selection: Not all balcony plants are harmless. Cherry laurel, ivy, primroses or petunias, for example, are poisonous – problematic if your child explores the plants with their hands and mouth. Therefore, he find out exactly the plants with which you want to green your balcony. Herbs and vegetables are ideal.
  • Sun protection: Don’t forget sunscreen, either as a Sun visorawning or hat and sunscreen.
  • Do not leave your child unattended: Despite all the safety measures, the balcony remains a place with potential risks, so your child should always remain in your field of vision.

3. Game ideas for the balcony

it’s yours Cozy and safe balcony for children done, you can fill it with life. And with game ideas – here you will find three tested and recommended ones:

Balcony-friendly game tables and mud kitchen

You take one Wooden box “Knagglig” and put one “Trofast” plastic tray from IKEA to the top – the result: simple and versatile DIY variant for a game table. With two boxes stacked on top of each other, the tubs are the perfect height for toddlers. THE Cover of Trofast boxes can be used with adhesive films create a beautiful mud kitchen.

But it doesn’t have to end in a mud fight. Anything that is acceptable to you can be filled into these tubs and your child can play in them extensively: water, sand, various containers, kinetic sand, stones, Schleich animalsladles, whisks, spray bottles, dish brushes.

With children pipettes and correspondence test tubes you can even turn your balcony into a small workshop.

The best thing about this variant: Will the mud kitchen unnecessary in winter, the boxes and trays can be used indoors as storage for toys and the like.

Alternatively, a small sturdy one is space-saving outdoor game tablewith which you can also play in various ways with water, sand and other materials.

Water games on the balcony

Since water games are not only fun in the bathtub, the balcony can also be used in summer. With a big one BIG water ride your child can play outdoors for hours: opening and closing locks, maneuvering, creating currents and guiding boats through the water channel. Splashing water is of course permitted.

This is suitable for younger children and small balconies Playmobil Aqua carousel on water. Your child can pour water into the track and create a powerful current with a hand crank. A hidden water channel offers your child a riddle: where have the fish gone?

You can find even more ideas for water features and fun water features for indoors and outdoors at ELTERN.

Children’s pool on the balcony

To the Children’s pool on the balcony opinions differ: some love it. For others it is clear: absolutely not.

If you want to give the children’s pool a chance, keep in mind that:

  • Depending on its size, a full paddling pool can sometimes be a lot heavy weight. How much can your balcony handle?
  • There is a risk that gush water Are the neighbors concerned?

Also make sure your the child only splashes under supervisioneven when the water is very shallow.

Equipped with bath toys, a small pool for children on the balcony not only be a pleasant way to cool off in very high temperatures, but also very long and rewarding gameplay bring for your child.

Beach shell as “theater”

A nice place to play, especially on very sunny days, can also be a small tent as a “house” for your child, his soft toys, etc. Pack your own beach shell and see what your child does with it.

Gardening with the kids on the balcony

Gardening and harvesting are not only possible in the garden, but also on the balcony.

in one Raised bed for children For example, snow peas, beans, carrots or peppers can be planted and little gardeners can sow a love of fresh greens.

With one of yours garden sets your child can dig, rake, water and spray like the adults – a celebration of children’s need for self-efficacy.

Space-saving and for an even richer harvest is a Four level raised bedwhich creates a garden atmosphere even on small balconies and from which your child can nibble happily in the summer.

Newcomers to the world of raised beds and balcony gardening will find guidance “My raised balcony bed” Balcony design tips: matching plants, bee-friendly plants, worm boxes and all kinds of tricks for a bountiful harvest. Without garden.

More inspiration for you

You can find more ideas and tips for the warm season at ELTERN:

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