Skincare from 30 – you should pay attention to this

People & Style

Yes, 30 is the new 20. But unfortunately that doesn’t change anything in our body’s natural process and that includes the formation of wrinkles or to put it better the fundamental change in skin texture. And after 30 we should be taking our skincare to a new level. You can read how exactly at STYLEBOOK.

From the age of 30, the anti-aging needs of the skin are particularly important, because we would like our face to age slowly. In the 20’s we made some mistakes when it came to skincare (not using sunscreen, not wearing makeup at night, and much more), which we can’t undo, but with the right care we can at least fix something. And especially from the age of 30, we should take care to treat the skin preventively for years to come. Because according to dermatologists, 30 is the age when you should approach and consider your skincare most intensively. Taking care of the skin is essential from the age of three decades, so that the skin remains radiant and youthful for a long time. We can’t stop skin aging, but we can accompany it in the best possible way.

We may still struggle with skin blemishes as adults, but early wrinkles and dry spots in particular become more visible. To calm down and prevent this, we have summarized a few tips:

Use lots of moisture

From the age of 30 you should definitely use products labeled “Anti-Aging” – if you haven’t already. Hyaluron, vitamin C, Ection, aloe vera and other moisturizing ingredients are ideal for this, as they supply the skin with sufficient moisture and visibly plump it up.

Go for retinol

Anyone who is already struggling with the first wrinkles or would like to prevent them should definitely use retinol, i.e. vitamin A. Retinol is one of the most popular and effective anti-aging products currently on the market. The active ingredient can minimize wrinkles and help build skin texture. In addition, retinol acts as an antioxidant against free radicals – a true all-rounder in skin care and therefore an essential part of the skin care routine from the age of 30. By the way: Bakuchiol is the herbal alternative to retinol, which has also proven itself in anti-aging applications.

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Sleeping well is so important

Sure, it’s not straight-up skincare advice, but it plays an equally essential role for your skin. Because sleep deprivation or poor sleep can damage not only our mental well-being, but especially our skin. A good and restful sleep will make your skin glow and your complexion will appear fresher and more alive.

Also interesting: the correct application and effect of the anti-aging active ingredient ferulic acid

Skincare from 30: NEVER forget sunscreen

Sun protection. We all know by now how essential this product is for our skin. It doesn’t matter if it’s sunny, rainy or snowy: everyone who sees the light of day must prepare their skin with a high sun protection factor. Especially in summer, it is important not only to provide the skin with sun protection in the morning, but also to refresh it constantly to maintain its effect. From the age of 30 it is essential to use a sun protection factor of 50 to optimally protect the skin from sun damage (and its obvious effects on the skin). There are day creams with a high sun protection factor, as well as makeup and other beauty products that already contain SPF. But if you want to play it safe or are aiming for a beach holiday, you should add an extra dose of sun protection to your skin care routine.

Know your skin type

If we’re in our twenties and still don’t know exactly how our skin works or what individual needs our skin type has, that’s okay. From the age of 30 at the latest, however, we should deal more intensively with what is happening and with our skin. For this purpose, skin type analyzes or discussions with the dermatologist or beautician are suitable. All of these options give you insight into your exact skin type. This way you can effectively adapt your care products to your skin with all the necessary and missing nutrients.

Skincare from 30: don’t forget the eyes and lips

The first signs of aging are especially noticeable in the area around the eyes and lips. However, we don’t want these prominent areas of the face to feel dry. We would much prefer to convince with elasticity. It is therefore crucial, especially from the age of 30, to use the right eye care (preferably with additional SPF) that best nourishes the thin skin under the eyes and leaves it radiant. Ingredients like avocado and hyaluronic acid can create a particularly beautiful effect here. The same applies to the lips: With the right lip care, it is essential to ensure a long-term supply of moisture and an existing sun protection factor.

Use at night

This is especially true for those who struggle with dry skin: when you go to bed at night you should look almost too well-groomed: shiny, almost greasy, because: your skin can spend the night absorbing all the products and absorbing them in the best way possible . It’s not about mixing a bunch of products together and hoping they work. Rather, it’s more important to apply the right highly nourishing antiaging skincare products at night to wake up the next morning with radiant skin and keep your skin looking its best in the long run. An extra tip: Don’t apply your nightly skincare routine right before bed, or everything your skin is supposed to absorb will end up on your pillow. Allow the products approximately 30-40 minutes to break through the first layer of skin before lying down.

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