Duchess Kate and Co. must never say these 6 harmless words


The Royals must never use these 6 words

you would have known. You would never hear these terms in the British royal family.

1. Toilets

“Where is the bathroom here?” You will never hear this question from King Charles or Queen Camilla. The English word “toilet” is considered inappropriate. Instead, the term “washbasin” is used. This is significantly more sophisticated.

2. Sofa

Sit on the couch after a long day and put your feet up? Royals don’t. At least they don’t use the word “couch” for this activity. Instead, they refer to the cozy piece of furniture exclusively as a “sofa”. Although both words mean the same thing, in actual vocabulary the second variant is preferred.

3. I’m sorry

Did you also think that the expression “forgiveness” sounds particularly classy and high-level? If you ask the royals, they would disagree. Instead, who knew, they use a very simple “What” if they don’t understand something.

4. Perfume

When Duchess Kate stands in front of the mirror and dresses for a gala (or has herself dressed), she doesn’t use “perfume”. This word does not exist in the vocabulary of royalty. The word “perfume” sounds much more regal. What “perfume” will Kate be spraying? We would also like to know.

5. Living room

There is no classic drawing room at Buckingham Palace, as we know it from home. That’s why the royals don’t refer to the premises as a “living room,” but as a “living room” or “living room.”

6. Elegant

If something is particularly chic or classy, ​​the British like to describe it with the word “posh”. But exactly this word is not used in the upper class. Instead, the royals prefer to use the term “smart.” Do we now call Victoria Backham “Smart Spice” and no longer “Posh Spice”? We don’t know exactly…

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Even more terms that mean something different to the royals

  • “dinner”: What we mean by dinner is a gala event with a panel discussion for the British royals. Instead, they refer to their usual evening meal as “dinner.”
  • “Sweet”: Royals call the dessert “pudding.”
  • “Portion”: If the royals want a second helping of food, they don’t ask for another helping, but for a “serving”.
  • “Reload”: Do you want some refreshment? If you’re at Buckingham Palace, you’d just call them ‘Food and Drink’.
  • “Greetings”: When Kate, William and company are holding their favorite drink, they don’t say “Cheers.” It remains a formal talk after dinner.
  • “Mum and dad”: Would you have known? The royals call their parents “Mom and Dad.” Even the grown up royals. “Mom” and “Dad”, on the other hand, are not used.

Sources used: rtl.de, abendzeitung-muenchen.de

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