For young and old: 30 funny tongue twisters to unravel


Tongue twister
30 funny sentences to get confused for young and old

Tongue twisters make kids laugh

© Seventy-Four / Adobe Stock

“Fischers Fritzchen fishes fresh fish”: In addition to this classic, we have 30 other funny phrases for your tongue twister repertoire. Well, who can not get confused?

Some sentences are just hard to formulate, especially when the following words contain syllables or similar sounds start. To put it very slowly, it might still work. But when the speed increases, we get bogged down every time. We have 30 funny tongue twisters for you who test your concentration and bring lots of fun to young and old.

  1. Cats scratch in the cat box, cats scratch in the cat box.
  2. Two hissing snakes sat between two sharp stones and hissed.
  3. The people’s lieutenant did not command his people to play until the people’s lieutenant ordered his people to play.
  4. Small children cannot break cherry stones.
  5. Pasta is called pasta because pasta was pasta.
  6. Seven clans of seals sit on the seven seal cliffs, thrusting their ribs until they fall off the cliffs.
  7. The shrimper gnaws at the crabs, the crabs gnaw at the shrimper.
  8. Fischer’s Fritze fresh caught fish, fresh caught fish Fischer’s Fritze.
  9. Red cabbage remains red cabbage, wedding dress remains wedding dress.
  10. Hares run across the meadow, breathing loudly through their noses.
  11. Research on frogs research on frogs research in research on frogs research on frogs.
  12. Anyone who roasts a bratwurst for others probably has a bratwurst roaster.
  13. Eight old ants ate pineapples in the evening.
  14. Black blowfly eats fresh fish meat, fresh fish meat eats black blowfly.
  15. When the rum balls the rum balls the rum balls the rum balls the rum balls the rum balls around.
  16. On the tenth to ten ten tame goats brought ten quintals of sugar to the zoo.
  17. We laundresses would wash soft white clothes if we knew where the washing powder was.
  18. In and around Ulm and around Ulm. In Ulm, around Ulm and around Ulm.
  19. If seven black snakes devour seventy-seven fresh fish, seventy-seven fresh fish will be eaten by seven black snakes.
  20. Schneider scissors cut sharp. Schneider’s scissors cut sharply.
  21. The butcher sharpens the butcher’s knife on the butcher’s whetstone. The butcher sharpens the butcher’s knife on the butcher’s whetstone.
  22. Four quadrupled five times is more than five quadrupled four times.
  23. A quick one The schoolboy quickly laces his shoes.
  24. A stammering chaplain sticks up cardboard posters. A chatty chaplain posts cardboard posters.
  25. When flies fly after flies, flies fly after flies.
  26. Seven shovelers shovel seven shovels of snow.
  27. Two chirping swallows are sitting between two plum branches.
  28. Twenty mashed plums and twenty mashed plums are forty mashed plums.
  29. When the Benz brakes, the Benz brake light is on.
  30. Mixed-water anglers are called mixed-water anglers because mixed-water anglers catch mixed-water fish in mixed waters.

And it works Recitations without a reel of tongue twisters at first try? Concentration is definitely required here. If you approach slowly, you will soon be able to cast spells more quickly.


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