Your Zodiac Sign Should Be Setting You Up For Emotional Conversations | Vogue Germany


Horoscope for July: VOGUE astrologer Kirsten Hanser explains what your zodiac sign has in store for you in July 2023.

Fasten your seat belts! We should be prepared for various turmoil in July. The question is how resilient we are, how much stress we can handle and if we are adventurous. Venus, our favorite star, clearly has the leading role in the cosmic Midsummer Night’s Dream, which will take place not only in July 2023. First we are in the filigree zone of the sign Cancer. A fertile lunar landscape that grows and feeds on feelings.

Horoscope for the month: an emotional surge awaits you in July

July begins with a full moon, which is like “rising and straightening the crown.” A wild and indomitable female power makes its way. And perhaps it is precisely this wild nature that makes us so vulnerable at the same time. After the first third of July and the high emotional tide, true words and a healthy dose of common sense help. The speeches of these days might cause heart palpitations, but they are useful and pave the way for greater truthfulness.

Meetings can arouse curiosity and love of life in July

Now that Venus is spinning in glittering, bizarre rounds — devoid of any role-playing patterns and locked-down notions — the planet Mercury is hurtling after her. Everyone is looking for this Venus. We too. She is able to bring out the best in us – something new on the one hand and something we have lost on the other. But definitely something exciting. Whether we are moved by an encounter, an activity, or something that ignites our will to live and our curiosity.

Use the creative energy of summer

Of course, all this could also express itself in the form of competition and competitive behaviour. But not if we are able to get involved in the beautiful and the unpredictable and also generously allow everyone else the joy of being. Exaggerations are welcome, but it doesn’t necessarily have to feel like a tragedy, but rather a comedy. We need this creative energy of summer so we can tap into our creative resources and shine with them.

Incidentally, Venus is also going retrograde. A moment for retro and vintage lovers. Brilliant for enjoying and experiencing your favorite people and favorite activities from the past. Even if it’s just for one summer. In the last week of July the sun shines in the sign of Leo, we have arrived at the heart of the zodiac. Where life loves for the love of life.

Read your personal monthly horoscope for July 2023 from our astrologer Kirsten Hanser here

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