5 ingenious nail polish tricks for everyday use

People & Style

Nail polish comes in all colors and designs and we usually have too many little bottles in the bathroom. However, they should not be disposed of directly when not in use, because the cosmetic item can do more than just beautify the nails. STYLEBOOK reveals what the beauty helper is for in everyday life.

Save the trinkets with the nail polish hack

Fashion jewelery can leave unsightly discolourations, especially rings and chains like to tarnish. If you want to avoid that, you can use one of the nail polish hacks. Just coat the jewel with a layer of clear varnish to avoid annoying marks. At the same time, the varnish also ensures that the (artificial) rhinestones and rhinestones do not fall off prematurely.

Also interesting: Gently cleaning your jewelry – top tips


At some point the time has come: the laces of lace-up boots and sneakers fray at the ends, the threading process becomes a Sisyphus task. This is where nail polish remover can help: just dip the fluffy ends into the polish, wipe off, and let dry. Then press fit and the problem is solved.

Protect your stilettos with nail polish

Small scratches on the beloved pumps can be easily repaired with a nail polish trick: just apply the right color nail polish, let it dry and the accident is already covered. However, larger areas should not be treated with the varnish, as it attacks and dries out the skin.


Not only do stairs look ugly, they’re also quite annoying. If you don’t have spare tights on hand in a hurry, a little polish on the top and bottom of the initial scale is enough to prevent progression. But it only works with nylon pantyhose!


Chaos on the bunch of keys because all the keys look the same? The solution is just a coat of nail polish! However, you should consider a mnemonic when choosing the color, otherwise the key to the office, house, apartment, cellar or bicycle is still not immediately recognizable.

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