Baby sleeping bag: 5 things to consider when buying


Baby sleeping bag
5 things to consider when buying a baby sleeping bag

Your baby is safer at night in a sleeping bag. What is important when buying a baby sleeping bag, we show you briefly and concisely in the video.

The sleeping bag is an essential part of the newborn’s initial equipment. And even after that it only benefits the children. In the video you will find out how to find the right sleeping bag size and what else is important when choosing a good sleeping bag.

We tested these baby sleeping bags

Whether it’s a spherical sleeping bag that grows with the child or a sleeping bag with feet, we have checked the following sleeping bags in the video for the most important purchase criteria:

We have summarized the exact differences between these and other baby sleeping bags and the best sleeping bags tested by ÖKO-TEST and Co. in our baby sleeping bag comparison.

You can find out more about your baby’s healthy sleep in our special ‘All about sleep’.

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