Mostly harmless: the causes of breakthrough bleeding


Did you know that occasional bleeding can occur between regular periods? In most cases, this bleeding is harmless. We explain when and why they occur.

For many women it is menstrual bleeding it’s not the only bleeding of the month. They experience so-called intermenstrual bleeding outside the menstrual cycle. Then bleeding between normal menstrual bleeding. They are also often called extra bleeds.

Why does breakout bleeding occur?

Breakthrough bleeding usually comes in the form of spotting. You will be too sighting called and differ optically and in their consistency from the menstrual period. The spots are brownish and more slimy. It lasts only one to three days and is usually lighter than menstruation. The blood loss is therefore relatively small.

There are several reasons why bleeding occurs. In most cases they lie hormonal disorders perish. If they recur at a set time within the female cycle, they are usually caused by a estrogen deficiency triggered. This is at bleeding case, i.e. premenstrual spotting shortly before the actual menstrual bleeding, and also in case of postmenstrual bleeding postoperative bleeding, a few days after the menstrual period. However, if the additional bleeding occurs unpredictably, it usually has another organic cause. As a warning sign they could also indicate a disease.

What other types of bleeding are there?

Ovulation bleeding

Ovulation bleeding is bleeding between menses that looks like spotting. The cause is a drop in estrogen levels after ovulation. This leads to one hormone withdrawal bleeding. Ovulation bleeding tends to be light and last a long time from one to three days. It is often accompanied by a slight average pain. It is so called because it occurs after ovulation, i.e. in the middle of the cycle. This form of intermenstrual bleeding is therefore also called middle bleeding.

Provides one cycle interruption medically, but has no disease value. However, if it occurs very frequently or even regularly, it is advisable to have the symptoms cleared up by a doctor. This is the only way to rule out other causes.

A luteal insufficiency

In the second half of the cycle the increase in the corpus luteum hormone progesterone ensures the formation of the lining of the uterus and the maintenance of a subsequent pregnancy. Women with so-called luteal insufficiency tend to have irregular cycles, a shorter second half of the cycle and frequent bleeding in the second half of the cycle – and low progesterone levels.

A progesterone deficiency In affected women this means that no fertilized egg can nestle in the poorly nourished uterine lining or that a miscarriage occurs after a short time. If you have an unfulfilled desire to have children, intermenstrual bleeding is an important indication for your doctor. Hormone therapy is often a treatment option.

The withdrawal bleeding

The so-called withdrawal bleed decreases a little shorter, weaker and less painful compared to normal menstrual bleeding. It occurs when you don’t take the pill. There is not enough estrogen and progesterone in the body to continue to maintain the lining of the uterus that has been built up until then. The withdrawal bleeding that follows is therefore hormone withdrawal bleeding called.

This is not – as is often thought – a normal menstrual period. The so-called pseudomenstruation it is only caused by hormone withdrawal. While the uterine lining is also shed, it is nothing like what builds up during a natural cycle. When using or stopping other hormonal drugs (e.g. during menopause) withdrawal bleeding may also occur.

Breakthrough bleeding

Sudden bleeding can also occur while using hormonal contraceptives such as the pill. But she kicks outside the usual administrative interruption and the withdrawal bleeding that occurs in it. Intermenstrual bleeding is considered Special form of withdrawal bleeding and usually sight.

The cause is to take one Pill that is not optimally adapted to your personal hormone levels. The pill often contains too little estrogen or, as in the case of the minipill, only progestins. The lining of the uterus can no longer be maintained due to the insufficient dose of hormones. Withdrawal bleeding occurs even before the pill is expected to be stopped.

Similar intermenstrual bleeding occurs when changing pills. They are basically harmless. However, bleeding goes hand in hand abdominal pain and fever together, it is important to consult a gynecologist immediately.

Implantation bleeding

A fertilized egg implants successfully in the endometrium onwards a mini-naval damage occurs at the corresponding point. As a result, there may be some light bleeding, which occurs approximately four to six days after fertilization ea first sign of pregnancy can be. Women with a regular cycle can easily distinguish them from the menstrual cycle, which begins only 14 days after ovulation. If you suffer from period fluctuations more often, you won’t be able to identify them so easily.

But the color and intensity of the implantation bleeding (also implantation bleeding) also indicate that this is not a normal period. The blood is clearer and redder. Also, the bleeding is not painful and is usually very short-lived. If it lasts for several more days, it remains constant, unlike periods that get heavier.

Bleeding occurs during the first weeks of pregnancy it is very likely that it is implantation bleeding. However, it also happens from time to time that pregnant women experience harmless bleeding at a time when menstrual bleeding should have occurred without the pregnancy. The reason for this has not yet been clarified. However, this is not a real menstrual cycle.

contact bleeding

Tissues in the vagina, uterus, or cervix tend to bleed easily. impetuous relationship it can sometimes lead to what is known as contact bleeding. Even one gynecological examination it can irritate the tissue so much that it bleeds easily. This type of intermenstrual bleeding has nothing to do with the variants listed so far. The blood that comes out is light red, clear and liquid. If you don’t play too much, the injured areas heal quickly on their own, but if you experience bleeding with every intercourse, the blood is cloudy or the bleeding is painful, it is best to have your symptoms cleared up with a visit to the gynecologist . .

What does bright red bleeding mean between periods?

A light red color first means that it is fresh blood deeds. Such as contact bleeding or implantation bleeding in early pregnancy (see above). So it’s usually harmless.

Bleeding that looks like a discharge, heavier or darker that may smell bad or be lumpy may indicate a infection indicate. A pap smear from the gynecologist provides information on this and any inflammation can then be treated accordingly.

Is intermenstrual bleeding dangerous during pregnancy?

During pregnancy you get rid of menstruation. However, bleeding can still occur. About half of pregnant women report bleeding between periods in the first three to four months of pregnancy. In most cases this is no reason to panic and has nothing to do with an impending miscarriage. However, to be safe, consult your gynecologist. Last but not least, to take your worries away.

Bleeding during pregnancy can be caused by: infection of the cervix or vagina. A low-lying placenta (placenta previa) can also cause bleeding. Other reasons are usually harmless tissue detachments or contact bleeding after intercourse. Premature placental abruption, which would also be associated with severe pain, is quite rare.

If a beginning of birth When the contractions become stronger, a mucus plug is released which causes a slight bleeding, the so-called bloody drawing. Don’t worry, noticing bleeding is completely normal and harmless.

Whether you are pregnant or not, if the bleeding between periods feels unusual, if you experience pain, if the bleeding is very heavy or occurs with unusual frequency, see your gynecologist or ask your midwife for advice. Listen to your instincts!



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