Are you looking for a pen pal!? |


The mother’s impulses
Are you looking for a pen pal!?

Mom's Impulses: Looking for a pen pal!?

© May / Adobe Stock

You know I like to write. But perhaps this also applies to letters. And yes, I mean real personal letters, like in the old days, with a stamp and sent by post! Do you still know?

It all started when my pen pal request was published in the wonderful magazine “Vorhang Auf” when I was 8 years old.

Recently, while leafing through old magazines with my children, I even rediscovered the original advertisement. This is how it looked (painted and corrected by me at the time, as it only appeared after the summer holidays):

As a result, numerous children have contacted me and I have begun a corresponding relationship with many of them. We exchanged photos and talked about our lives. Since Curtain Rise is mostly read in Waldorf families, we grew up with similar values ​​and even had some things in common, which was very nice.

However, over time, most of the pen pals fell asleep and at some point received no response.

But one pen pal remained: Schwerin’s with Thea. Now read more here

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