15 air-purifying houseplants that not only look beautiful but are also beneficial to your health


Did you know that there are plants that purify the air? We present 15 air-purifying houseplants that everyone should have at home!

In 2007 he published A NASA study from BC Wolverton, in which the scientist tested whether and which houseplants have air-purifying properties. The study showed that the plants studied actually ensure that pollutants are filtered out of the air and that air quality is improved. In our living spaces, furniture, fabrics, wall paints or varnishes can release harmful fragrances and this cannot be completely avoided even with regular ventilation. The result: headache or tiredness, even malaise and mental confusion. It’s even better that this problem can be reduced with houseplants that purify the air.

Below we will introduce you to 15 different plants that not only have health-promoting properties, but also fit perfectly into your interior. And who knows, maybe you already have one at home!

These 15 air-purifying houseplants are healthy AND nice to look at

Although plants improve air quality, you should not rely on them alone and make sure to ventilate regularly and carefully, also to prevent mold growth. Avoid slanted windows and make sure to ventilate regularly instead. It is also important to ensure an adequate climate in living spaces through ventilation and heating. The following minimum temperatures are recommended by the Federal Environment Agency:

  • Bath: 22 degrees Celsius
  • Stay: 20 degrees Celsius
  • Kitchen: 18 degrees Celsius
  • Bedroom: 17 degrees Celsius

#1 “Delicious monstera”

‘Monstera deliciosa’, native to Central America and also known as window leaf, has large, graphic leaves that grow lushly and can be seen in many households due to their beautiful shape. The plant is robust and easy to care for and can grow up to three meters high (in the wild even up to ten meters). Your advantage? Absorbs the harmful hydrocarbon pentachlorophenol (PCP).

Houseplant with good properties Monstera deliciosa

A classic: the “Delicious Monstera” has enjoyed enormous popularity in recent years.


#2 “Ficus lyrata”

Also called “fiddle fig”, this beautiful plant “Ficus lyrata” is native to the tropical forests of Africa. It is very resistant, but needs enough light and must be watered at least once a week. It is one of the plant species capable of binding ammonia or formaldehyde.

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