Workshop iX IT Security: Understanding and Successfully Repelling Attack Techniques


The iX laboratory Cyber ​​security: current attack techniques and their defense deals with current attack techniques and the resulting protective measures needed for your IT systems against potential attacks. Based on the current threat situation in the field of IT security, you will learn practical strategies and techniques to defend yourself from the most frequent attacks. In a laboratory setting, speaker Oliver Ripka demonstrates typical attack techniques and presents useful tools that you can use to detect and repel attacks yourself.


By the end of the workshop, you will have developed an understanding of how attackers operate and what specific protective measures you can take to secure your systems. Based on this knowledge you will learn to evaluate the vulnerabilities and attack possibilities of your IT infrastructure and to evaluate the effectiveness of the security measures used.

Oliver Ripka is an experienced security consultant and trainer at Söldner Consult. As a network security expert, his professional focus is on offensive security and network analysis.

The security workshop will take place online on 12 and 13 February 2024 and is aimed at IT administrators who want to sharpen their understanding of IT security, as well as those who are interested in getting an overview of how cyber attacks work.


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