iX Workshop: Using Keycloak for Secure Identity and Access Management


The open source access provider Keycloak is a popular implementation of the OpenID Connect protocol. With Keycloak, users of directory services such as Active Directory or LDAP can securely access various web applications using single sign-on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication.


In the three days of online training Identity and access management (IDM/IAM) and SSO with Keycloak Learn how to set up, configure and integrate Keycloak as an identity provider for your business with services and applications. Keycloak’s built-in OTP process supports soft tokens (smartphones and apps) and offers a self-service portal for setup. This built-in one-time password feature is demonstrated and explained during the training.

The workshop will take place February 12-14, 2024 in a browser-based learning and practice environment and is aimed at DevOps engineers and administrators (Linux) who use Keycloak as an identity and access management (DM/IAM) system for their own business applications want.. Trainer Tilman Kranz has many years of experience in developing, administering and configuring directory services.

Participation in this practice-oriented workshop is limited to 12 people to enable a lively exchange with the trainer and other participants.

You can download the program of the iX workshops for the first semester of 2024


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