Parenting: 5 things mentally strong children do and how parents can support them


5 things mentally strong children do and how parents can support them

We will tell you how you can strengthen your child’s resilience: you will find out more in the video.

As parents, we want to give our children as much as possible for their future life. Independence and resilience are very important strengths for later life: here we will tell you how you can promote mental strength in your children.

Accompanying children on their journey to becoming independent and mentally resilient people can be a challenge. On the one hand we want to give our children space to develop, but on the other hand we want to protect them from obstacles. But especially when we want to protect them from any difficulties, this can slow down the development of children.

This way you can promote your child’s mental strength

It is important that children learn to trust themselves and we can support them on this journey. In the video we reveal five tips you can use to promote your child’s mental strength.

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