Easter Bunny: Yes or No? Parents talk about their experiences


The parents tell
Easter Bunny: Yes or No? This is how we celebrate Easter as a family

A little boy searches for candy in the grass at Easter

© ferkelraggae/Adobe Stock

For many parents, passing on their belief in the Easter Bunny to their children has something to do with their own childhood. Parents in our community tell us what their family does at the festival. Spoiler: the Easter Bunny doesn’t come everywhere!

Many people associate Easter with the Easter Bunny, who hides eggs, sweets and maybe some small toys in the garden or apartment. Even as adults we remember how much fun we had looking for little things behind every flowerpot and under every bush – and how exciting it was when we found a chocolate egg or even a toy. What a feeling it was to proudly run to your parents with the basket under your arm and show off all your successes.

Parents in our community have been debating online whether or not the Easter Bunny is part of the celebration at their home. Because the magic of Easter has nothing to do with this figure for all families.

Gifts don’t always come from the Easter Bunny

One thing is certain: for all those who celebrate Easter, it is above all a family celebration. And whether the Easter Bunny arrives or not is, of course, up to everyone. They both look great and there is no clear right or wrong. Not all families look for Easter eggs. Some celebrate in church, others by serving a small banquet, playing games and chatting with grandparents, parents, siblings, nieces or nephews. Some go together in search of sweets and toys, others prefer to leave the treasure hunt only to the little ones in the family. There are many ways to experience the magic of Easter.

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