13 questions from Carrie Bradshaw from “Sex & The City” that are still relevant


Why is “Sex & The City” still the dating bible par excellence for many people today? Because some questions in Carrie’s article are just as relevant as they were then.

“Sex and the City” was much more than just a TV highlight of the ’90s and 2000s; The series is still considered a cult today. Over the course of six seasons and two movies, we followed main characters Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte, rooting for their ups and downs and almost living the discussions they had about dating, relationships, and sex. Now let’s take a look at the New York columnist’s 13 interesting questions that are still worth asking in 2024.

These are the 13 most exciting questions from “Sex & The City”

#1 “How many of us have sex with people we are embarrassed to introduce to our friends?”

  • “How many of us out there have great sex with people we are ashamed to introduce to our friends?” (Season 1, episode 6)

In the sixth episode of the first season, Mr. Big takes Carrie to a secluded restaurant. When he meets an old acquaintance there, he doesn’t bother to introduce him to his partner. As in Carrie’s case, he can be very hurtful when the person you’re dating doesn’t introduce you to acquaintances or friends you meet on the street. But what could be the reason for this? First of all, let’s exclude the fact of not being beautiful enough; After all, people wouldn’t date at all if they didn’t find themselves attractive. Maybe the person is afraid of the judgment of those around them? Or does she want to have his love interest all to herself? It is true that such a situation does not necessarily mean that the other person is ashamed. Maybe it’s just the wrong time, maybe…

Sex and the City question column


#2 “In a city with high expectations, is it time to settle for what you are given?”

  • “In a city of high expectations, is it time to settle for what you can get?” (Season 1, episode 9).

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