Analysis of the Gigaset acquisition: breathe a sigh of relief, sink in the long term

Initially, the acquisition of the European market leader for DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) telephones should be considered positive. The opening of insolvency proceedings under autonomous administration, announced in September 2023, now seems to have been averted. As a result, the 850 employees are now likely to have hope of continuing to work. Announcement As […]

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What do you give to 1 year olds? 12 ideas that give pleasure for a long time

by Susanne Möller-Andrés 04/30/2023, 08:00 Are you looking for a suitable gift for a 1 year old boy? Among a herd of colorful stuffed animals and all kinds of puzzles, the big question arises: what are really meaningful gifts for children from the age of 1? Here you will find beautiful gift ideas that will […]

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