Parenting: 5 things mentally strong children do and how parents can support them

Education 5 things mentally strong children do and how parents can support them We will tell you how you can strengthen your child’s resilience: you will find out more in the video. Moreover As parents, we want to give our children as much as possible for their future life. Independence and resilience are very important […]

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When Parents Get Loud: That’s What Yelling Does to Our Kids

When parents raise their voices How screaming affects children’s brains © izusek / Getty Images Probably no one wants to scold their children, yet unfortunately sometimes it happens. Here you can find out what consequences a reprimand can have for the little ones and how to react in the event of worse. There are days […]

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3 things “hostile” parents do to make their children feel insecure

Education 3 Things That Could Indicate You May Be “Hostile” Parents It may happen that we inadvertently cause “harm” to our child. Moreover Parents usually want the best for their children, yet we can accidentally hurt and upset them by our actions. These three things can indicate that you may be an “unfriendly” parent. Do […]

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Telling Parents: What I love about being a parent

Children’s laughter & Co. Parents share what they love most about parenting © Strelciuc/Adobe Stock Regardless of the age of our children, they always manage to surprise us positively, inspire us or teach us differently. Parents in the community shared the moments they love most about parenting. Maybe it’s the loving hug when the little […]

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Parenting Tips from the Editor: These products really help parents

Parenting tips from the editors 12 products that really help in everyday family life © Pineapples / Adobe Stock Waste of money or game changer: Parents often only know afterwards which product is really useful in everyday life with children. Are you still at the beginning and you need some experience? We asked our parent […]

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#acquisition from parents: "Should go!" – A mother honestly tells about the quarrels between brothers

In wishful thinking one has several children so that they can play together and grow up happily together. But what if the sibling dynamic is difficult from the start? When does jealousy and arguments make family life incredibly stressful? Alke tells her story in this acquisition. Every weekend we leave our Instagram account @elternmagazin different […]

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