Round, curvy, slim – Pinterest lets you search for different body types

Many women in particular use Pinterest to search for wedding dresses, for example. It can be frustrating to only see extremely skinny women, but you have a completely normal figure. That’s why the platform now offers the possibility to select a body type. This then determines the search results. Announcement The function is obviously practical […]

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Lioness who escaped to Berlin: the search continues – all the news – Panorama

Police are still looking for a big cat on the loose in Berlin and Brandenburg. Around 100 emergency services are currently employed, according to the Berlin police. During the night there was therefore no new information on his whereabouts. According to a spokeswoman in Berlin, the search is still focused on the southern districts. What […]

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Missing Titan: Search teams apparently heard shots – Panorama

In search of the missing submarine titanium in the North Atlantic off Newfoundland, emergency services may have heard a sign of life from the occupants. Search teams detected one type of noise every 30 minutes Tuesday in the area where the submarine is suspected to be located, according to an internal US government memo. hence […]

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