Round, curvy, slim – Pinterest lets you search for different body types


Many women in particular use Pinterest to search for wedding dresses, for example. It can be frustrating to only see extremely skinny women, but you have a completely normal figure. That’s why the platform now offers the possibility to select a body type. This then determines the search results.


The function is obviously practical for any form of clothing and for both sexes. Pinterest writes about it: “This is an important step towards creating an inclusive online environment for research, storage and shopping.” Initially there are four female body types to choose from. Other typologies will follow during the year, also for men’s fashion.

Body type research is obviously an AI-supported technology. According to Pinterest, the company has even filed a patent on it. The tool is able to recognize different body types in the over 3.5 billion images available on the platform and select them accordingly.

Google is also testing tools to ensure greater inclusion in shopping results. Various models can virtually try on clothing items. So far only in the USA is it possible to select the corresponding model in certain stores. Pinterest writes: “We’ve already seen that users using the body type tool had a 66% higher engagement rate per session on Pinterest than users who didn’t use the tool.”

There is already a selection for skin tone and hair type. To make a selection, you need to click on the search symbol in the app and enter something into the search. The results are followed by the selection of body types. If you select the same body type twice this way, Pinterest will ask you if you want to save it. Initially the function can only be used in the USA and Canada. Other markets will follow.

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